wasd to move
shoot with mouse left click or spacebar
- prefabs for bullet and asteroid
- both dynamic Rigidbody2D because we want physics to act on them
- bullets are kinematic since we don't want physics to act on them
- if we did, then we'd make them dynamic
- Instantiate
- to create bullets from the prefab
- OnCollisionEnter2D
- to detect collisions with game objects that have colliders
- FixedUpdate
- recommended to use when dealing with physics since it goes off on a set interval unlike Update which is dependent on a player's machine (framerate)
- physics
- _rigidbody.AddForce
- _rigidbody.AddTorque
- _rigidbody.mass
- this.gameObject.SetActive(false)
- used FindObjectOfType
- instead of utilizing the Singleton pattern
- Destroy(this.gameObject, maxLifetime);
- to destroy asteroids and bullets
- asteroid stuff
- InvokeRepeating
- to spawn asteroids
- _spriteRenderer.sprite = sprites[Random.Range(0, sprites.Length)];
- randomize asteroid image
- this.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Random.value * 360.0f);
- randomize rotation
- this.transform.localScale = * this.size;
- randomize scale
- InvokeRepeating
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