Space Invaders
a d for left and rgiht
left mouse click or spacebar for shoot
Invaders speed up as you kill more of them.
Invaders shoot more as there are less of them.
- restart game if all invaders are killed
- using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
- if (this.invadersKilled >= totalInvaders)
{ SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); }
- used a curve to speed up the animation of invaders as you kill more of them
- in Invaders.cs
- public AnimationCurve speedCurve;
- it's basically an x y graph
- public int invadersKilled { get; private set; }
- public int totalInvaders => this.rows * this.cols;
- public float percentKilled => (float)this.invadersKilled / (float)this.totalInvaders;
- this.transform.position += _direction * this.speedCurve.Evaluate(percentKilled) * Time.deltaTime;
- public AnimationCurve speedCurve;
- then in the editor, you click on speedCurve in the Inspector section when you click on the Invaders game object.
- and you select a curve
- you right click -> edit key -> set a value for the time
- 0 is the beginning of the animation
- 1 is the end of the animation
- in Invaders.cs
- public int invadersKilled { get; private set; }
- public getter, private setter
- meaning any method can get this but only this script can set it
- public int totalInvaders => rows * cols;
- this is how we set a calculated variable
- I forgot to set Is Trigger on the boundary box colliders and that was the reason the laser kept going into infinity and not stop at the boundary.
- needed a callback to tell my player script that the projectile (laser) has collided
- so I made an action and used c#'s delegate pattern
- Projectile.cs
- public System.Action destroyed;
- this.destroyed.Invoke();
- Player.cs
- projectile.destroyed += LaserDestroyed;
- we call LaserDestroyed when the destroyed delegate action gets invoked
- this allows scripts to register when an event happens from another script
- projectile.destroyed += LaserDestroyed;
- Projectile.cs
- so I made an action and used c#'s delegate pattern
- I did another callback to tell my invaders script that my invader has been killed by a laser
- Invader.cs
- public System.Action killedInvader;
- this.killedInvader.Invoke();
- Invaders.cs
- invader.killedInvader += IncreaseSpeed;
- we call IncreaseSpeed when the killedInvader delegate action gets invoked from Invader.cs
- did this in the for loop
- invader.killedInvader += IncreaseSpeed;
- Invader.cs
- after you change the sprite in the sprite renderer component, you can reset the box collider component by clicking on the 3 dots and hitting reset
- after you change the sprite in the sprite renderer component, you can reset the box collider component by clicking on the 3 dots and hitting reset
- after you change the sprite in the sprite renderer component, you can reset the box collider component by clicking on the 3 dots and hitting reset
- after you change the sprite in the sprite renderer component, you can reset the box collider component by clicking on the 3 dots and hitting reset
- this will resize the box collider according to this new sprite
- sprite settings
- changed the pixels per unit of my sprites from 100 to 16
- 100 is too large because they were designed to be 16 pixels per unit
- set filter mode to point
- This setting allows you to control how the texture is filtered when stretched in the 3D space.
- Point (No Filter): Makes the texture appear block pixelated from the closest pixel.
- Bilinear: Makes the texture appear blurrily pixelated from the closest pixel
- Trilinear: Blurs the image between different MIP levels.
- This setting allows you to control how the texture is filtered when stretched in the 3D space.
- changed Max Size to 64
- changed Compression to None
- changed the pixels per unit of my sprites from 100 to 16
- Made a prefab for all of the invader and made three prefab variants for specific invaders
- Animated sprites in code
private void Start()
InvokeRepeating(nameof(AnimateSprite), this.animationTime, this.animationTime);
private void AnimateSprite()
if(_animationFrame >= this.animationSprites.Length)
_animationFrame = 0;
_spriteRenderer.sprite = this.animationSprites[_animationFrame];
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